Awesome Tanks - Play Online for Free!

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  • МЫШКА - Наведение/стрельба;
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Добавлено: 02 декабря 2019 г.
Сыграно: 1920 раз(а)

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In today's game, you will become a true tank commander, tasked with an important mission to clear areas teeming with enemy tanks. Awesome Tanks is reminiscent of classic tank games where you must clear levels of enemies and destroy their bases. Remember, if you don't destroy the enemy tank base, new enemies will keep appearing. Unlike old tank games, this one features a much more advanced upgrade system. You can equip your tank with any weapon, ranging from small-caliber guns to heavy rockets. Upgrade your tank to the maximum, equip the most powerful cannons, and you will easily be able to destroy heavily armored enemies standing in your way. Enjoy the game and have fun!

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